Automate your note taking tasks
We have partnered with Zapier
So you can connect Notud with your everyday apps.
Zapier has the flexibility to extend the power of Notud by simply automating tasks between multiple online services.
Become your organisation’s automation expert within minutes without needing to use or understand code.
To connect Notud with a platform like Hubspot, Zapier requires a ‘trigger’ in one application to cause ‘actions’ to occur in another application. These functions, among hundreds of other automated tasks, are called “Zaps”. This step guide will show you how to connect and share a contact note from Notud automatically into your group Slack Channel.
Build and launch in minutes, not days or weeks!
How Notud's Integrations can fit into your workflow.
Download our 'How To' guide to get started
Share content across apps.
Get started in minutes by clicking on one of the integrations
Never lose your customer notes.
Save time by sharing your contacts with your Notud's organisation to create customer notes easily. Our Zapier integration will allow you to pull information from everyday apps and consolidate it into Notud so that you can build customer notes at scale.
We Know Meeting Notes Are Important.
Striking the perfect balance of automated organisational engagement can be difficult. So we have made collaborating with meeting notes fast and easy. Create rules to route meeting note paths at the end of important meetings within the right channels instantly. You and your team can easily view and use links directly to created contact notes.